William Lane Craig Debates Peter Slezak

Jun 14, 2011 1 Comment by

The first part of the series can be found via the link below:

William Lane Craig Debates Peter Slezak – Part 1

As usual, when Craig steps to the podium, he blurs the definitions of everything he talks about in a way that’s almost convincing, were it not for the fact that we’ve heard all his arguments before and can just sit and wait for the mistakes to roll off his tongue. Most of what he says constitutes downright lying.

All of Slezak’s arguments are well crafted and well explained. He dismisses Craig’s speech in many ways with accuracy and humour. However he is somewhat let down by his public speaking ability. So to an audience who many lose track of the cool logic Slezak presents, the dramatic performance by Craig may unfortunately win them over.


About the author

I am the founder of Atheism Network.

One Response to “William Lane Craig Debates Peter Slezak”

  1. Steve says:

    Could you list a few of Craig’s lies.