Comments on: More Ambiguity On Belief Analysis, discussions, essays, media links, news, forums, and website links. Tue, 24 Jul 2012 11:27:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gary Berg-Cross (@garybcross) Gary Berg-Cross (@garybcross) Mon, 26 Dec 2011 21:15:33 +0000 Beliefs are part of an intelligent beings cognitive life. They may be based firmly on evidence, loosely or just on faith. When people argue that we are heading towards serious problem in climate change some see it as based on evidence and some say it is just an unsubstantiated belief. But u's not a matter of blind faith. Like evolutionary theory it is an increasingly supported hypothesis based on a commensurate body of evidence. "Plants earlier bloom times hurting some creatures" reads the title of a recent Washington Post article by Brigid Schulte. See The story goes on to describe field botanists' surprise that some flowers like “Dutchman’s breeches” and cut-leaved toothwort are blooming 2 weeks early. The culprit is consistent with a global warming hypothesis: "Bloom hunters like Fleming, who for 40 years have been tramping through the woods, roaming along riverbanks and scrambling over rocky outcrops to document the first blooms of spring in the Washington area, worry that what they have been seeing is nothing less than the slow, inexorable shift of global warming." Arguments about religious don't display this type of evidence. Beliefs are part of an intelligent beings cognitive life. They may be based firmly on evidence, loosely or just on faith. When people argue that we are heading towards serious problem in climate change some see it as based on evidence and some say it is just an unsubstantiated belief. But u’s not a matter of blind faith. Like evolutionary theory it is an increasingly supported hypothesis based on a commensurate body of evidence. “Plants earlier bloom times hurting some creatures” reads the title of a recent Washington Post article by Brigid Schulte. See The story goes on to describe field botanists’ surprise that some flowers like “Dutchman’s breeches” and cut-leaved toothwort are blooming 2 weeks early. The culprit is consistent with a global warming hypothesis:

“Bloom hunters like Fleming, who for 40 years have been tramping through the woods, roaming along riverbanks and scrambling over rocky outcrops to document the first blooms of spring in the Washington area, worry that what they have been seeing is nothing less than the slow, inexorable shift of global warming.”

Arguments about religious don’t display this type of evidence.
